
Wednesday, 21 November 2012

science and technology

Research on Paralysis Cure through Olfactory Ensheathing Cells 

Cambridge University researchers reversed in the third week of November 2012, the paralysis process in dogs after injecting them with the cells which grow on the lining of the nose. This research has opened up new aspirations for the paralysis cure in humans as well.

Researchers believe that this will be crucial for the human patients with spinal injuries who had lost bowel or bladder control as well as sexual function.

The research was conducted on the pets which had suffered from spinal injuries that prevented them in using the back legs. Researchers are especially optimistic as this would help in the treatment of humans as well. According to the researchers, this is the first study to test the transplant in real-life injuries instead of the lab animals. The olfactory ensheathing cells, removed from the lining of the nose of dogs were grown as well as expanded for various weeks in the lab.

Out of the 34 pet dogs, 23 of them had these cells transplant in their injury site. Rest of the dogs, were injected with neutral fluid. The dogs which received transplant displayed a great improvement. They were walking on treadmill with harness support. The other group of dogs did not regain the use of the back legs.

The co-author of the study, Professor Robin Franklin believes that the findings are very exciting because it is the first time that significant improvements can be seen in severely damaged spinal cord. It is also believed that this technique can restore some movement at least in the human patients with the injuries of spinal cord.

The technique could also be used with the drug treatments in order to promote the nerve fibre regeneration as well as bio-engineering in order to replace the damaged neural networks. Researchers believe that transplanted cells can regenerate the nerve fibres around damaged spinal cord regions. This was what helped the dogs regain usage of the back legs as well as coordinate the movements with the front limbs.

What are olfactory ensheathing cells?

Olfactory ensheathing cells are the kind of glial cells which are found in nervous system. These are the neural crest cells which participate in guidance as well as growth of the main olfactory neurons. Olfactory ensheathing cells exist in the Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) as well as Central Nervous System (CNS) portions, i.e., olfactory epithelium and bulb.

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