
Thursday, 29 November 2012

child labour

The problem of child labour continues to pose a challenge before the nation.  Government has been taking various pro-active measures to tackle this problem. However, considering the magnitude and extent of the problem and that it is essentially a socio-economic problem inextricably linked to poverty and illiteracy, it requires concerted efforts from all sections of the society to make a dent in the problem.

According to the Census 2001 figures there are 1.26 crore working children in the age group of 5-14 as compared to the total child population of 25.2 crore. There are approximately 12 lakhs children working in the hazardous occupations/processes which are covered under the Child Labour (Prohibition & Regulation) Act i.e. 18 occupations and 65 processes. However, as per survey conducted by National Sample Survey Organisation (NSSO) in 2004-05, the number of working children is estimated at 90.75 lakh. It shows that the efforts of the Government have borne the desired fruits.

Way back in 1979, Government formed the first committee called Gurupadswamy Committee to study the issue of child labour and to suggest measures to tackle it. The Committee examined the problem in detail and made some far-reaching recommendations. It observed that as long as poverty continued, it would be difficult to totally eliminate child labour and hence, any attempt to abolish it through legal recourse would not be a practical proposition. The Committee felt that in the circumstances, the only alternative left was to ban child labour in hazardous areas and to regulate and ameliorate the conditions of work in other areas. It recommended that a multiple policy approach was required in dealing with the problems of working children. 
Based on the recommendations of Gurupadaswamy Committee, the Child Labour (Prohibition & Regulation) Act was enacted in 1986. The Act prohibits employment of children in certain specified hazardous occupations and processes and regulates the working conditions in others.  The list of hazardous occupations and processes is progressively being expanded on the recommendation of Child Labour Technical Advisory Committee constituted under the Act.

In consonance with the above approach, a National Policy on Child Labour was formulated in 1987. The Policy seeks to adopt a gradual & sequential approach with a focus on rehabilitation of children working in hazardous occupations & processes in the first instance. The Action Plan outlined in the Policy for tackling this problem is as follows:

  • Legislative Action Plan for strict enforcement of Child Labour Act and other labour laws to ensure that children are not employed in hazardous employments, and that the working conditions of children working in non-hazardous areas are regulated in accordance with the provisions of the Child Labour Act. It also entails further identification of additional occupations and processes, which are detrimental to the health and safety of the children.
  • Focusing of General Developmental Programmes for Benefiting Child Labour - As poverty is the root cause of child labour, the action plan emphasizes the need to cover these children and their families also under various poverty alleviation and employment generation schemes of the Government.
  • Project Based Plan of Action envisages starting of projects in areas of high concentration of child labour. Pursuant to this, in 1988, the National Child Labour Project (NCLP) Scheme was launched in 9 districts of high child labour endemicity in the country. The Scheme envisages running of special schools for child labour withdrawn from work. In the special schools, these children are provided formal/non-formal education along with vocational training, a stipend of Rs.150 per month, supplementary nutrition and regular health check ups so as to prepare them to join regular mainstream schools. Under the Scheme, funds are given to the District Collectors for running special schools for child labour. Most of these schools are run by the NGOs in the district.

Government has accordingly been taking proactive steps to tackle this problem through strict enforcement of legislative provisions along with simultaneous rehabilitative measures. State Governments, which are the appropriate implementing authorities, have been conducting regular inspections and raids to detect cases of violations. Since poverty is the root cause of this problem, and enforcement alone cannot help solve it, Government has been laying a lot of emphasis on the rehabilitation of these children and on improving the economic conditions of their families.

Monday, 26 November 2012

100 Ways to Simplify Your Life (and Make Yourself Happier)

1. Ditch the TV (or at least turn if off). If you’re an average viewer, you’ll save over a hundred precious hours each month. An added bonus: less exposure to commercials means less desire to buy stuff, and more money in your pocket.
2. Cancel magazine subscriptions. Read the content online instead, and avoid accumulating a pile of reading material.
3. Read news online, instead of on paper. You’ll save plenty of time, and plenty of trees, by reading only the articles that interest you.
4. Get rid of excessive furniture, so there’s less to walk around, trip over, or move when you have to clean.
5. Opt for multi-functional furniture, so you can satisfy your needs with fewer pieces.
6. Get rid of excessive décor, so you’ll spend less time and effort cleaning around stuff.
7. Digitize your music. You’ll eliminate the clutter of CDs, and have easier access to your music library.
8. Download movies instead of renting DVDs. You’ll avoid the hassle of picking them up, dropping them off, or mailing them back.
9. Put items away immediately after use. It takes a lot less effort than cleaning up piles of stuff later on.
10. Have a place for everything. It makes it much easier to find things, and put them away.
11. Clean as you go. Wipe up spills, and take care of little messes before they become big ones.
12. Devise a cleaning routine. Streamline your chores into an ordered set of tasks for maximum efficiency.
13. Do laundry in large batches, instead of small ones. It’ll save you time, and reduce your energy (and water) consumption.
14. Buy enough socks and underwear to make it through a full laundry cycle, to avoid doing small “emergency” loads.
15. Wash towels less often. They don’t need laundering on a daily basis; you’re clean when you use them, after all!
16. Consolidate hobby items in designated containers. That way, all your supplies will be on hand when you need them.
17. If you start a new hobby, drop an out-of-favor one (along with its equipment and supplies).
18. Adopt the “one in, one out” rule: when you purchase something new, get rid of something old.
19. Don’t start collections. Avoid the clutter, and save your money, by channeling your energy and creativity into something more productive.
20. Get rid of one item every day. At the end of the year, you’ll have 365 less things to worry about!
21. Hang up clothes, or put them in a hamper, as soon as you take them off. Avoid starting a “floordrobe” or piling them on a chair, and you’ll have less straightening up to do later.
22. Organize your clothes by category. For example, hang all your pants, skirts, or shirts together so you can quickly find what you need.
23. Use containers to corral accessories like jewelry, watches, or scarves, instead of scattering them about.
24. Choose versatile clothing. The more ways you can wear something, the fewer items you’ll need.
25. Don’t be a fashion victim. Chasing trends is a waste of time and money.
26. Know what flatters you. You’ll avoid accumulating a closet full of wardrobe “mistakes.”
27. Don’t buy “fantasy” clothes. In other words, if you’re not a social diva, skip the cocktail dresses – reserve your closet space for the stuff you’ll actually wear.
28. Get a simple, no-fuss haircut; it’ll save tons of time in the morning.
29. Embrace your natural hair. Don’t make it straight if it’s curly, curly if it’s straight, or brown if it’s gray.
30. Keep makeup as minimal as possible, or go without. Most of us don’t need to look like supermodels on a daily basis!
31. Use multi-purpose products (like a shampoo/body wash, or moisturizer plus sunscreen) to save time and eliminate bathroom clutter.
32. Standardize your grooming routine, so you can get ready each morning with a minimum amount of fuss.
33. Don’t buy hope in a bottle, and clutter your cabinets with half-used “miracle” lotions and potions.
34. Avoid unhealthy habits, like smoking, drugs, or drinking in excess. You’ll look better now, and avoid a boatload of health problems down the road.
35. Let your inner beauty shine. A pleasant countenance and radiant smile will make you more beautiful than any cosmetics.
36. Love those leftovers. Cook extra for dinner, and have it for lunch the next day.
37. Cook a week’s worth of meals at a time, and freeze for later (Google “batch cooking” for recipes and instructions).
38. Plan your meals in advance. You’ll spend less time staring into your refrigerator, wondering what to make.
39. Shop with a grocery list. You’ll avoid making extra trips for forgotten items.
40. Make one-pot meals, and drastically reduce your after-dinner cleanup.
41. Pare down your dishes, cups, and utensils to what you regularly use. It’ll limit the amount of dishwashing that piles up in the sink.
42. Purge unnecessary gadgets and seldom-used equipment. A large variety of meals can be made with basic pots and implements.
43. Eat healthy foods (like whole grains, fruits, and vegetables), and you’ll avoid a wide variety of medical problems.
44. Keep your countertops clutter-free. Cooking is so much easier when you’re not moving stuff out of the way to do it.
45. Develop a set of standard dishes (like a pasta, chicken, or tofu dish), and vary the sauces. That way, you won’t have to reinvent the wheel each night.
46. Stop as much incoming paperwork as possible. Get off mailing lists, cancel catalogs, and sign up for online billing and statements. The less physical mail you have to deal with, the better!
47. Print as little as possible. Don’t give yourself more stuff to file. Instead, print to a PDF file using free software like cutePDF or pdf995.
48. Digitize your paperwork. It’ll take up less space, and give you easier access to it.
49. Backup to the cloud. Use an online storage service, as an alternative to DVDs or an external hard drive.
50. Pay bills online. It takes much less time than writing and mailing a check, and you won’t need to buy envelopes and stamps.
51. Bank online. Transfer money without going to the bank, or standing in line waiting for a teller.
52. Automate recurring transactions. It’s a great way to pay your rent, mortgage, or insurance payments without lifting a finger.
53. Automate investments. Set up your brokerage account to buy a fixed dollar amount of a certain investment (like an index fund) on a regular schedule. It’ll smooth out the effects of market volatility on your portfolio, and keep you from making emotional decisions.
54. Stay out of debt. Life is much simpler when you don’t have to worry about interest charges and minimum payments.
55. Purchase bundled services. Buying telephone, tv, and internet services from the same company reduces your number of bills (and likely the amount you have to pay).
56. Telecommute. Arrange to work from home at least once or twice a week, to save time and commuting costs.
57. Don’t let junk mail enter your office. Keep a recycling bin by your front door, and dump junk mail and solicitations (without personal information) straight in.
58. Sort incoming paperwork immediately. Separate it into “file,” “act on,” and “dispose of” piles for efficient handling.
59. Organize your digital files. Develop a logical system of folders, so you won’t have to wade through hundreds of random files to find what you’re looking for.
60. Purge your bookmarks regularly. The stuff you found interesting last month, or last week, may be of no use to you today. Don’t waste time scrolling through irrelevant stuff.
61. Quit Facebook (or don’t join). It can be a huge digital commitment, and a major time sink. At the very least, limit the time you spend on it.
62. Limit the number of blogs you read. When you subscribe to a new one, drop an old one, so as not to increase your time commitment.
63. Reduce your Twitter time. Constant digital “chatter” can significantly reduce your productivity.
64. Check and answer email during defined periods. When you’re distracted by constant incoming messages, it takes longer to complete the task at hand.
65. Take digital sabbaticals. Disconnecting for a period of time – be it an hour, a day, or a weekend – can be quite liberating!
66. Learn to say no. It can be difficult, but will ensure you have enough time and energy for the stuff that really matters.
67. Delegate. Give up trying to do everything yourself; get employees to help with projects, and children to help with chores.
68. Limit your commitments. Don’t increase your number of obligations; drop old ones to make way for the new.
69. Right-size your expectations. When you expect too much of yourself and others, disappointment and stress are often the result.
70. Choose your battles. There are thousands of little things that just aren’t worth fighting for – let them go.
71. Go with the flow. Instead of trying to control things, let them happen as they may.
72. Be flexible. Adapt to the situation at hand, rather than insisting on doing things “your way.”
73. Forget about perfection. For the vast majority of tasks, good enough is good enough.
74. Fix little problems before they become big ones. A little effort now can save a lot of headaches later.
75. Consolidate your tasks. It’s more efficient to do your ironing, pay your bills, and answer your emails in one sitting than in bits and pieces.
76. Consolidate your errands. Plan your visits to the grocery store, dry cleaners, post office, etc., so you can take care of all of it in one trip.
77. Declutter your To Do list. Purge any unimportant, unnecessary, or unfulfilling activities.
78. Ask for help or advice. Reaching out to someone with more expertise can often save you hours (or days) of muddling through on your own.
79. Share your expertise with others. An open exchange of information makes things easier for everyone.
80. Make it a goal to do less, not more. Increase your productivity to free up your schedule, rather than jam more stuff into it.
81. Keep an open mind. Life is infinitely more interesting and pleasant when you’re willing to consider opinions and viewpoints that differ from your own.
82. Accept others for who they are. Live and let live, and you’ll have much less to worry about.
83. Live in the present. Don’t spend excessive hours pining for the past, or fretting about the future. Be here now.
84. Don’t meddle in other people’s business. Concentrate on keeping your own life in order, and don’t worry about everyone else’s.
85. Forget about the Joneses. Conspicuous consumption benefits nobody but the companies selling the goods. We’d be happier, more relaxed, and more satisfied if we disengaged from it entirely.
86. March to your own drummer. Don’t feel obligated to follow the crowd, or live according to others’ expectations.
87. Think before you act. We can often save ourselves a lot of trouble if we think about the consequences before acting on impulse.
88. Think before you speak. Once you let some ill-considered words out of your mouth, you can’t get them back. Better to hold your tongue than have to deal with the fallout.
89. Don’t be overly sensitive. Sometimes others don’t think before they speak. Let careless remarks roll off your back, not ruin your day.
90. Don’t hold grudges. Forgiveness eases your stress and tension, and frees up your time and energy for more positive pursuits.
91. Don’t be a drama queen. Making mountains out of molehills unduly complicates life.
92. Have an attitude of gratitude. Be grateful for what you do have, instead of stressing over what you don’t.
93. Realize that you’re not living in the spotlight. Most people are too wrapped up in their own lives to care (or notice) what you own, what you’re wearing, or how you look.
94. Embrace the concept of enough. Once our needs are met, there’s usually little utility (or happiness) in acquiring more – by contrast, it often leads to cluttered homes and empty bank accounts.
95. Enjoy without owning. Admire the objects in a shop window, the art in a gallery, the plants in a garden, without acquiring them for yourself. You’ll often get more pleasure from things when you don’t have the responsibility of ownership.
96. Downsize your digs. A smaller home means less to maintain, less to clean, and less to pay in mortgage, utilities, and rent.
97. Go car-free. If you can walk, bike, or take public transit where you need to go, consider ditching your car. If you’re in a multi-car household, consider whether you can get by with one less car.
98. Avoid advertising like the plague. When you don’t know an item exists, you won’t stress over desiring, acquiring, or paying for it.
99. Don’t shop unless you need something. In other words, don’t browse stores, catalogs, or websites looking for something to need.
100. Make your own definition of “success.” Raising a happy family or excelling at your job are better measures of success than status symbols and material accumulation.

Sunday, 25 November 2012

Valentine's Day Poem

Valentine treasures are people who
have often crossed your mind,
family, friends and others, too,
who in your life have shined

the warmth of love or a spark of light
that makes you remember them;
no matter how long since you've actually met,
each one is a luminous gem,

who gleams and glows in your memory,
bringing special pleasures,
and that's why this Valentine comes to you:
You're one of those sparkling treasures!

Because Of You

Because Of You

Because of you
my world is now whole,
Because of you 
love lives in my soul.
Because of you
I have laughter in my eyes,
Because of you 
I am no longer afraid of good-byes.
You are my pillar
my stone of strength,
With me through all seasons
and great times of length.
My love for you is pure
boundless through space and time,
it grows stronger everyday
with the knowledge that you'll always be mine.
At the altar
I will joyously say 'I do',
for I have it all now
and it's all because of you.

- Written and owned by Amy S. Bedford -

Love story

Love Story"
We were both young when I first saw you.

I close my eyes and the flashback starts:
I'm standing there on a balcony in summer air.
See the lights, see the party, the ball gowns.
See you make your way through the crowd
And say, "Hello,"
Little did I know...
That you were Romeo, you were throwing pebbles,
And my daddy said, "Stay away from Juliet"
And I was crying on the staircase
Begging you, "Please don't go"
And I said...
Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone.
I'll be waiting; all that's left to do is run.
You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess,
It's a love story, baby, just say, "Yes".
So I sneak out to the garden to see you.
We keep quiet 'cause we're dead if they knew
So close your eyes... escape this town for a little while.
Oh, oh.
'cause you were Romeo - I was a scarlet letter,
And my daddy said, "Stay away from Juliet"
But you were everything to me,
I was begging you, "Please don't go"
And I said...
Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone.
I'll be waiting; all that's left to do is run.
You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess.
It's a love story, baby, just say, "Yes".
Romeo, save me, they're trying to tell me how to feel.
This love is difficult but it's real.
Don't be afraid, we'll make it out of this mess.
It's a love story, baby, just say, "Yes".
Oh, oh.
I got tired of waiting
Wondering if you were ever coming around.
My faith in you was fading
When I met you on the outskirts of town.
And I said...
Romeo, save me, I've been feeling so alone.
I keep waiting for you but you never come.
Is this in my head? I don't know what to think.
He knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring and said...
Marry me, Juliet, you'll never have to be alone
I love you, and that's all I really know.
I talked to your dad ‒ go pick out a white dress
It's a love story, baby, just say, "Yes"
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.
'cause we were both young when I first saw you

love poem

I hate you
I wish to tear you away from me
This tumor that clings to my chest
The thing that makes me ache 
That haunts my dreams 
And tears at my desires
You have brought me only pain
My untamed heart
That beast that gnaws at my soul
That pitifully whines
Bringing my mind into unwanted pain
Yet how can I blame you
How can I chastise you when I listen intently to your pleas
Why should I punish you for what my eyes feed upon
How can I blame my eyes for falling upon her
She who brings light to the eternal darkness of my soul
She whose eyes bring me to subjection
Whose smile leaves me in awe
How can I blame you when my ears are met with her laughter
How they submerge into her song
How they quiver at her voice
Why should I punish you for inclining my soul
Tempting it with the one sense that has been forsaken by her
How could I look over the thought of the brushing of lips
The touching of hands
The binding of the soul, mind, and body
O you wretched heart
What am I to do with this constant companion
How could I tear you away
When she is the cause of my agony
Or rather 
It is the lack of her which brings me sorrow
It is the need for her that leaves my heart in pain
Yet she is not mine
She was never mine
She will never be mine
O my poor heart
How can I make you see reason
When all you do is show me the truth

Kenya: Winged Migration

Kenya: Winged Migration

A migratory stop along the African-Eurasian flyway, the Kenya Lake System in the Great Rift Valley is a cageless aviary—populated by 13 endemic, threatened bird species. Up to four million lesser flamingos congregate among nesting great white pelicans and roving flocks of spoonbills, grebes, and storks. More than 100 migratory bird species make this their home November through March, which local safari guide Preston Mutinda says is prime bird-watching season. A two-hour drive north of Nairobi, the shallow, alkaline bodies of water combine to cover 122 square miles, with Elmenteita, Bogoria, and Nakuru Lakes arranged, as Mutinda puts it, “like pearls on a string along the Great Rift Valley.” The valley’s floor ripples with hot springs, offering a rich feast of green algae for foraging fowl. Zebras, black rhinos, cheetahs, lions, and giraffes also wander along the shoreline—but even they play supporting roles for the star attraction, the flurry of pink taking flight.



Salad dressingDressing your salad with a healthy dose of a traditional fat such as canola oil may help you absorb more nutrients such as carotenoids.

Black teaDrink black tea to prevent your risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Watch over kidsIf your kids use the home computer, place it in a family room where you can supervise its usage without being intrusive.

Prevent diabetesThe percentage by which subjects who exercised regularly reduced their risk of developing diabetes.

Winter careApply a paste of honey and cream and wash off after 20 minutes for a soft, silky skin.

Hightlight your strandsA few strands of red can add layers to your mane and uplift your look. Go for warm shades of red and auburn as highlights.

Beat depressionBattling depression? Go for a run. Exercise helps alleviate depressive symptoms and further prevents hospitalisation.

Eat tomatoesAdd tomatoes to your shopping cart-people who consume more tomatoes may have a decreased risk of strokes, says new research.

Spoon spaceLittle thinking goes a long way. Assign specific spaces for cooking spoons and cutlery and save yourself bother.

Bone DensityDon't skip your glass of milk and pop a Vitamin D3 supplement. This helps build bone density, lowers risk of type 2 diabetes and keeps osteoporosis away.

Bright skinTake a thick slice of cucumber. Don't peel the slice, rub in a circular motion all over the face and neck areas. Wash after 15 minutes.

Dry skinApply a mixture of 1 tsp warm olive oil with a few drops of glycerin and 2-3 drops of lime juice.

Remove dark patchesApply a paste of saffronm milk cream and coconut water on your skin everyday to remove dark spots.

Heart firstHave adequate amounts of walnuts, flaxseeds and canola oil. They prevent blood clots and keep your blood vessels relaxed.

Eat almondsYou should eat 22 almonds every day for good heart health. For better results soak them overnight in milk or water.

Breast cancerAt 20 you should begin doing a self-examination of the breast. One out of 22 urban Indian women are likely to get breast cancer.

Saturday, 24 November 2012

Florida Education Officials not to Appeal Immigrant Tuition Ruling

Florida Education Officials not to Appeal Immigrant Tuition Ruling

The Florida State Board of Education unanimously voted against an appeal on a federal court decision that prohibits schools from charging higher out-of-state tuition rates to Florida students who are US citizens but dependent on illegal immigrant parents.

The decision was made on Tuesday, November 6 at a meeting in Boca Raton.
The Board, which supervises 28 community and state colleges, also collectively voted to comply with the injunction against immigrant tuition rules.
"I just got off the phone with Miami-Dade College and they have 240 students who will be impacted by this," board member Roberto Martinez said. "They have complied with the judgment without any problems."
Broward College President J. David Armstrong affirmed this on a statement, saying he and his counterparts at the other schools do not object to the court ruling and oppose an appeal.
U.S. District Judge K. Michael Moore ruled last month in Miami that charging higher tuition rates to students who are dependent on immigrant parents violates their equal protection rights.
Beginning with the spring 2013 semester, the students will enjoy reduced tuition rates.
The Board of Governors, which oversees 12 public universities, did not consider an appeal at its meeting on November 8 in Sarasota.
Instead, State University System Chancellor Frank Brogan sent a letter to the schools' presidents, directing them to comply with the court decision. He also required the presidents to send written notices of the ruling to all dependent students by November 14.
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hollywood movies news

Gabriel Aubry Arrested at Halle Berry's Home Following Thanksgiving Brawl

ALTSuddenly, your family's Thanksgiving drama doesn't seem so serious. A little more than a week after Halle Berry was denied the opportunity to move to France with her 4-year-old daughter, Nahla — following claims that the paparazzi and two stalkers made her fear for her safety in the states — police responded to a dispute at Berry's home on Thanksgiving between the actress' ex, Gabriel Aubry, and fiancé, Olivier Martinez.

The LAPD tells People that Aubry "was booked for a private persons arrest for battery" following a physical altercation between the two men. (Berry's ex, who could not be reached by for comment, was at the actress' home to drop off their daughter for the holiday.) A source tells People, "Gabriel attacked Olivier and Olivier defended himself," while TMZ reports both men were treated for injuries at the hospital. Bail was set at $20,000 and Aubry has since been released, TMZ reports.

The exact nature of the argument between Aubry and Martinez is not yet known, but Berry's ex and the actress have been fighting a brutal custody battle since their split in 2010. Though Aubry was granted a win in early November when a judge blocked Berry's move overseas, Berry won a protective order following Aubry and Martinez's Thanksgiving fight demanding her ex to stay 100 yards away from Berry, Martinez, and Nahla.   

miracle child

The Miracles of Jesus: My Friend True Story

I made a pledge with god and he answered my prayer immediately!

The Miracles of Jesus: My True Story is where you will read about all the recent miracles of Jesus Christ. My lord Jesus has done so many miracles in my life and I'm using this as an opportunity to share with the world all the wonderful things Jesus has done for me and my family members. I believe that those who are searching for god to perform a miracle in their lives will surely benefit from my testimony. When you pray for a miracle to the lord Jesus, you have to believe that you will receive it otherwise it simply will not happen. Jesus said believe and you will receive, so when you pray please believe that god has heard your prayer and believe that he will answer it. I will also be talking about the real ways to pray and praise god on this page. Dear brothers and sisters, whoever you are, just remember that Jesus loves you and he wants you to seek him earnestly so that he can pour out his love on you. Seek him and you will find him.

As a `born again` Christian, I must do what ever I can possibly do to make sure that I share the gospels with people who don't know about my lord Jesus Christ. When miracles happen in my own life, I am not suppose to keep quiet and be afraid of what others will say but I must share it with every one to glorify the name of the lord. So on this page, I will share with you the different kinds of miracles that my lord Jesus has done in my life. I will also update the page with future miracles too. I will also add other people's inspiring Jesus miracles to this page for every one to read.

Friday, 23 November 2012

In my mind I'll always be his lady

Heather Headley

Imagine seeing him on the town holding another hand
She's staring me down so I figure that he told her who I am
But it don't matter either way what they do or say
?Cause ain't nothing changed
He's standing with her but his soul is calling out my name

In my mind I'll always be his lady
In my mind I'll always be his girl

Saw his mama just the other said he'd been through a spell
Had a bad break up, thinks he's on his way up, it's hard to tell
She said ?I think it'd do some good if you call him every now and then
You see he's been through some things
And I'm thinking he could really use a friend?

In my mind I'll always be his lady
In my mind I'll always be his girl
Only time will tell if I'm his lady
But in my mind I'll always be his girl

They say if you love something you've got to let it go
And if it comes back then it means so much more
But if it never does at least you will know
That it was something you had to go through to grow

In my mind I'll always be his lady
In my mind I'll always be his girl
Only time will tell if I'm his lady
But in my mind I'll always be his girl

Always feel this way about you
Always be a lady

In my mind, in my heart, in my soul
(In my mind, in my mind, in my mind)
Baby, you should know
You're in my thoughts, you're in my prayer
(In my mind, in my mind)
I'll always be your girl, say yeah
(In my mind)

Yeah, yeah, yeah

I Wish I Wasn't lyrics

[Verse 1]
I'm home alone again
And you're out hangin with your friends 
So you say
Somehow I know it's not quite that way
It's getting pretty late
And you haven't checked on me all day
When I called you didn't answer
Now I'm feeling like your ignoring me

I wish that you were home
Holdin me tight in your arms
And I wish I could go back
To the day before we met
And skip my regret 

[Chorus:] I wish I wasn't in love with you
So you couldn't hurt me
it just ain't fair the way you treat me
No you don't deserve me
Wasting my time thinking bout you when you ain't never gon change
I wish I wasn't in love with you so I 
wouldn't feel this way

[Verse 2]
When you touch me my heart melts
And everything you did wrong I forgive
So you play me and take advantage
Of the love that I feel for you
Why you wanna hurt me so bad
I believed in you that's why I'm so mad
Now I'm drowning in disappointment
And it's hard for me to even look at you

I wish that you were home
Holdin me tight in your arms
I wish I could go back
To the day before we met
And skip my regret


Said you care about me
But from what I see
I ain't feeling that
So I disagree
Gave you all my love
And understanding

And you're treating me like your enemy
So leave me alone
Don't want nothing from you
Just go back where you came from

This house is no longer your home
You are not welcome no no no more


[Verse 3]
Hear you knockin' at the door again
I'm wonderin' should I let you in
I open up the door and see
The flowers for me
So beautiful in your hand
Please stop begging me to take you back
I've always been a sucker for romance
And before you know it I concede
You're all over me
Oh no here I go again
I wish I wasn't in love with you
So you couldn't hurt me